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Miltec provides an AS9100 : ISO9000 Quality system that uses the most advanced inspection techniques   

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Optical Inspection

More Measurements, More Data, Better Decisions

Miltec uses an Optical CMM from Zeiss to compare theory against reality. The measurements taken from the Zeiss Optical CMM are compared against the models our customers want created.

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Millions of Measurements 

Using our Zeiss Optical CMM, we excel at supporting intricate parts ranging in all different sizes.


The Zeiss Comet uses a fringe projection to pick up discrete points of measurement on the surface of an object. This tool, along with the measurement software and rotary table, create a full three-dimensional point surface scan of the object. In the software, Colin3D, the point cloud is optimized to remove outlier data and converted to a mesh.


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291 Baxter LN

Winchester, TN 37398





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